Saturday, April 7, 2012

Health/Beauty Wellness Wednesday: Spring <b>Health Tips</b> | News 92 FM

Spring is a time for refreshment, new life and new perspectives. It’s also a great time to adopt some healthier choices when it comes to your lifestyle. So this Health/Beauty Wellness Wednesday, here are several tips that can help your mind, body and even spirit recharge for the new season!

1.Go Get Into A Garden!
Gardening is a wonderful activity for several reasons. Not only does gardening make your landscapes look beautiful but you can burn approximately 250 to 350 calories an hour while gardening. Creating beautiful places for vegetables, fruits, plants and flowers affords many the opportunity to use their creativity and ingenuity. So get out there and sweat picking weeds, hauling soil or hauling mulch. You are strengthening your mind, body and spirit when you garden!

(Credit: Thinkstock Images)

2. Consider Swim Lessons For The Kids
Did you know that drowning is the leading cause of accidents and deaths in children? Consider talking with representatives from your local activities center or pool and find out when your child should take formal swimming lessons.

3. Keep Those Allergies In Check
Spring is the time for allergies for many. For most Americans, it’s the time of the year that many are armed with boxes of tissue, eyedrops and medications. Before heading outdoors, check to see what the pollen count is in your area and be sure to talk with your health care professional and obtain the best course of action for you, if you are an allergy sufferer.

4. Do Some Spring Cleaning In That Make Up Drawer
Like many things we consume or use, products have an expiration date. The same premise holds true for our make up. So of that mascara has been in your make up bag for months or that blush brush has been used for about a year now, it’s time to replace those items with fresher and newer products. Replacing your make up is a healthy and wise decision. Make up can become old and settle. So replace your make up and make up brushes; you reduce the risk of infections or bacteria-induced breakouts.

5. Take More Walks!
Spring time is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors! So take the time to enjoy them! Instead of a drive to the local store, why not walk to the local store. If you are able to, consider taking a walk with friends or co-workers during your lunchtime. Not only are you burning calories but you are able to enjoy the day, bask in wonderful sunshine and chase away those office blues!

(Credit: Thinkstock Images)

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